Transfer of New Zealand License: InterCity Group (NZ) Limited: APPROVED AUGUST 19th, 2016
Executive Summary
Johnstons Coachlines Limited, the current Licensee in New Zealand, has submitted an application to transfer their License to InterCity Group (NZ) Limited.
The InterCity group operates New Zealand's largest passenger transport network. In addition, their Great Sights division is the largest provider of sightseeing and day tours, operating on both the North and South Islands of the country. GLWW has worked with their management team before, as Sam Peate, the General Manager, was responsible for Gray Line sightseeing when the when the Licenses was held by the THL group.
In addition to their coach operations, InterCity also offers sightseeing cruises through their Fullers Great Sights Bay of Islands and Hauraki Blue Cruises branded ocean operations.
FLEET: Total fleet of 70 vehicles, 16 dedicated to sightseeing with 12 WiFi equipped coaches.
INSURANCE: InterCIty Group (NZ) Limited carries NZ$10 Million in general liability and another NZ$10 Million in automobile liability coverage.
APPLICATION DOCUMENTS: Click on the links below to access the documents you are interested in reviewing: